Paint Tips & Tricks

Paint Tips & Tricks

There are so many elements to consider while choosing paint for your next home project.  Here are some of our tired and true tips & tricks for selecting the right paint colors:

Swatch Testing is a Must

Before committing, always swatch test your chosen paint. Apply the same color in multiple areas to understand how it appears in different lighting conditions. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the color's versatility.

Mind the Light

Consider both natural and artificial lighting when selecting paint colors. Test your choices in various lighting situations, including day and night. Ensure that recessed lighting and all light bulbs match the final color to accurately judge the paint's appearance. Other items inside and outside the home such as floor color, greenery, etc can also influence the tone that the paint color reflects.  Be sure to understand how to work with these elements when selecting your paint colors.  

Thin Coats for Even, True Color

Opt for 2-3 thin coats rather than a single thick coat. This approach provides a more even finish, revealing the true color of the paint. Allow each coat to thoroughly dry before applying the next layer.

Color Matching Perfection

Instead of relying solely on swatches, consider having your preferred paint company color match the actual swatch. This ensures the exact color you see is replicated, as paint formulas can slightly differ from what's on the swatch card.

Warm Up Large Spaces

Large rooms can benefit from a cozy touch. Consider using a 50% darker version of the color to add warmth to expansive areas. Experiment with variations of the same color, adjusting based on the room's natural lighting and size.

Final Selections

Paint Selection is one of the most crucial design decisions. We always suggest putting the time and attention into this decision as it can make or break the feeling of a home.  If you are unsure of the process or your choices,  we suggest consulting with a designer.

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